Mochipan Pre-Order Newsletter #11

Hi Mochifam!

Thanks for tuning into our eleventh pre-order update. Our factory and warehouse partners are both back from holidays and in full swing! This means you can expect the last of any pending orders for post-CNY shipment to be sent outwith tracking available within the next 48 hours. 

On a side note, we've run into a couple of shipment errors on the following items, which will be addressed in their individual sections: 

  • Atlas Moth Cardigan 
  • Stardust Strapped Dress 

These shipment errors will affect a large number of associated orders, so please be sure to head to the section for that product to get all the details. Let's get into the updates!



The Starry Night Collection has shipped out almost entirely at this stage! Below are the products which have shipped out. Please note that if your order contains products that are still not ready-to-ship, it will be waiting on that final item. 

  • Starry Night Skirt w/ Shorts
  • Stardust Dance Dress
  • Starry Night Pajama Top
  • Stardust Pajama Pants
  • Starry Night Crop Top
  • Stardust Vest & Bowtie
  • Stardust Strapped Dress**

The Starry Night Dress is expected to ship in Mid-March. 

**Unfortunately, in fulfilling the vast majority of our Starry Night Collection, a major shipping error has been revealed: 

Our manufacturers have shorted the initial Starry Night Collection shipment by over 20% of the Stardust Strapped Dress count, resulting in a considerable delay on this product for nearly 100 orders. Once we're able to organize the information, we will be reaching out to all affected customers with a new timeline and various options for resolution. 

If your order has yet to ship (i.e. you have yet to receive a tracking number for your order in which every product is ready-to-ship, but includes a Stardust Strapped Dress) it is very likely that your order has been affected by this shipping issue. We apologize sincerely for the inconvenience and encourage customers to let us know so we can assist as soon as possible. 


  • Starry Night Dress Estimated Shipping: Mid-March
  • Unshipped Stardust Strapped Dresses: TBA



    The Dark-mode Artist Jacket is on track to ship in March as per our last update! Thank you all for your continued patience. 

    Note that orders will only ship once every item is ready-to-go!


    • Estimated Shipping Date (Dark Mode): February 28th - March 15th, 2025



    The Cropped Strawberry Jam Sweater has shipped out slightly earlier within its February-March shipment window, and all orders including this item that are eligible for shipment should be shipped out within the next 1-2 business days at the latest!

    As always, please let us know if you don't have tracking within that time frame to ensure your order is on track! 

    The Cropped Variant-Flavor Jam Sweater Listing is now live! Not much else has changed on this front; all timelines and estimates remain the same, and we do not expect delays moving forward. 

    Thank you all for your continued patience for the remaining variants! 


    • Estimated Shipping Date (Variant Flavors): Late January to March 2025
    • Estimated Shipping Date (Variant Flavors, Cropped): March - April 2025



      The Winter's Kiss Dress (and associated Bordeaux Shrug) are on track with our updates from two weeks ago, and will be shipping in early-mid March!


      • Estimated Shipping Date: March 5th - 15th, 2025

      The Lover's Quilted Set (Dress & Shrug) have been slated to ship out between mid-February and mid-March. There are no current changes to these plans, and you can expect a delivery time sometime this upcoming March. 


      • Estimated Shipping Date: February 20th - March 15th


      The Goddess Pajamas are currently estimated to ship out in mid-late April, 2025! As our favorite pajama design thus far, we're super excited to see these sets in your hands and wardrobes come April-May!


      • Estimated Shipping Date: April 10th - 25th, 2025



      The Garden Overalls are currently estimated to ship out in mid-April to mid-May! Thank you all for the warm reception on this nature-inspired piece. 

      The associated Evergreen "Shirtless Sleeves" Shrug will ship some time in April, slightly ahead of the Garden Overalls.


      • Evergreen Shrug ESD: April 2025
      • Estimated Shipping Date: April 20th - May 20th, 2025

      The Stardust & Higanbana Pajama Sets are currently estimated to ship out in mid-April to mid-May! Please note that these are three-piece sets with each piece sold separately.  


      • Estimated Shipping Date: April 15th - May 15th, 2025

      Pre-Sample Pre-Orders (PSPOs)

      The following Moth Cardigans have shipped as of the writing of this blog-- please note that if your order contains Cardigans from "Batch Two", you may not receive tracking until as late as the end of February 18th. If you don't have a tracking number in your inbox by then, please reach out so we can investigate your order for any potential delays. 

      Batch One:

      • Smoky Emperor Moth
      • Leopard Moth
      • Cinnabar Moth
      • Pandora Sphinx Moth
      • Death's Head Moth

      Batch Two:

      • Cecropia Moth
      • OG Moth B-Grade
      • OG Moth-White
      • Monarch Butterfly
      • Brahmin Moth 
      • Magpie Crow Butterfly 

      Notably not included, the Mothman Cardigan is expected to ship in early-March. Lastly, the remaining designs are expected to ship in mid-March.

      • Spanish Moon Moth
      • Atlas Moth**
      • Emperor Gum Moth
      • Flannel Moth
      • Rosy Maple Moth
      • Luna

      In regards to the Atlas Moth Cardigan, we last updated our customers with information via a critical update email that it would be shipping ahead of schedule with the Cardigans sent out in "Batch Two".

      We've since learned that this information was incorrect, and a misunderstanding on the part of our factory liasion. We apologize sincerely for the whiplash-- the Atlas Moth Cardigan is not ready to ship, and will be shipping with the final batch in mid-March as originally intended. We apologize for any confusion or disappointment, and appreciate your understanding.

      With the above in mind, our current timeline looks as such: 


      • Estimated Shipping Date (Mothman): early-March
      • Estimated Shipping Date (Final Batch): mid-March

      Remember that our orders will only ship once every product in the cart is ready to go! 


      (Pre-Sample Pre-Order) Woodland Shorts - Mochipan

      Woodland Shorts are trucking along, but have been delayed to April 5th as per our last update sent out on January 5th.

      As a challenging piece with a strong theme and look, we're aiming to take as much time as needed to make this piece perfect. As such, please reach out if these recent delays are simply too long for you and we'd be happy to promptly refund your order. 

      • Estimated Shipping Date: April 5th, 2025




      The Bee Swimsuit and Cover Up is on track, slowly but surely. The body of the swimsuit and cover-up are complete, and their final samples have come along swimmingly. We’re making steady progress for the bow and cuffs, and appreciate your patience.

      Remember, all pre-sample pre-orders for this product include our exclusive Bumble Bee and Honey Cake enamel pins!


      • Current Stage: Sampling Phase for the Bow
      • Estimated Shipping Date: April 5th, 2025



      Shark Bite Jacket & Tech Pants are still a ways away! Since the PSPO release, this set's Estimated Shipping Date has been set for Late-Spring 2025 due to its complex design. While you'll still be waiting at least three-four months, you can rest assured that you'll be informed of each step until it's finally FINished.

      ...We'll let ourselves out.

      • Estimated Shipping Date: Late-Spring 2025





      The Honey Bee Dress (Short)'s final sample is complete and sizing has been released! Thank you all for your patience, and our estimated shipping date stands at April 5th, 2025 for now. 

      Remember, all pre-orders include our exclusive Bumble Bee and Honey Cake enamel pins. We appreciate your continued patience and support for the Bee Collection!


      • Estimated Shipping Date: April 5th, 2025



      (Pre-Sample Pre-Order) Honey Bee Summer Gown - Mochipan 

      The Honey Bee Summer Gown’s updates have been pushed back on account of the Chinese New Year Holidays. That said, we still have every expectation that this product will be ready to ship for our new goal of April 5th, 2025 with time to spare!

      For the time being, we’ll continue our work behind the scenes. We look forward to sending this piece your way and appreciate your continued patience.

      As a reminder, all pre-sample pre-orders for this product will include our exclusive Bumble Bee and Honey Cake enamel pins. Thank you for your understanding and support!


      • Estimated Shipping Date: April 5th, 2025





      The Cottage Jumperskirt is now in production and on-track to ship for early-mid March! Thank you to all for your patience and support. 


      • Estimated Shipping Date: March 5th - 15th, 2025




      (Pre-Sample Pre-Order) Goth Swimsuit (SWIMSUIT ONLY) - Mochipan

      The Goth Swimsuit + Swim Skirt Set is trucking along and is still expected to ship by April 5th as per our last couple of updates.

      As a challenging piece with a strong theme and look, we're aiming to take as much time as needed to make this piece perfect. As such, please reach out if these recent delays are simply too long for you and we'd be happy to promptly refund your order. 


      • Estimated Shipping Date: April 5th, 2025



      Cropped Moth Jacket


      The Cropped Moth Jackets will continue production following the Chinese New Year holidays, and the next sample will be in hand by late February. 

      Assuming the next sample is where we need it to be, we look forward to having a final sample, photos, and sizing in hand by the end of February! Our current shipping estimate still rests at end of March.


      • Estimated Shipping Date: March 31st, 2025




      The Moth Dresses (Spanish Moon & Mothman) are currently mostly on track, with minor extensions to expected timelines due to the Chinese New Years' holidays.

      Product pictures, sizing charts, and material information are expected to release in late-February, with a new esimtated shipping date pushed two weeks out to late-March, 2025. 

      Thanks so much for your patience and understanding!


      • Product Pics, Sizing, and Material Info Release: February 28th, 2025
      • Estimated Shipping Date: March 31st, 2025





        The Love Me - Love Me Not Dress & Corset Belt Set is our newest Pre-Sample Pre-Order, and has seen a very warm reception-- thank you to everyone for your support thus far.  

        As per the product listing, this is an extremely early-phase product. It's going to be challenging and time-consuming throughout the sampling and production process and will take minimum five months to finish production.

        Please note that we expect this product to be ready-to-ship for Halloween, but cannot make guarantees at this stage! 


        • Estimated Shipping Date: October 2025



        Final Notes:  If you have any questions about the pre-sample pre-order process, you can check out our explanation post here. If that still doesn't clear up specific questions, feel free to reach out to us at! 

        Thanks so much to everyone for your feedback on our biweekly update system. We’ll be making some changes to our website and checkout process down the line to make sure everyone has a chance to sign up for the newsletter moving forward.

        Thanks for your continued support! 

        Mochipan Team

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